I’d like to welcome you to Hardwood Homelab. This is a website that I am using to journal my exploration into linux and self hosting. I am not an expert in anything that I share here, so do not consider this site as an authorative resource. I am just a dummy playing with computers. As I continue to grow my skills I plan to share them here. If you enjoy the content please feel free to check back, but as I have a full time job and other commitments, I cannot guarantee any regularity. This site is just another part of my hobby and is NOT a money making venture.

As the name of the website suggests I am keenly interested in setting up and playing with a homelab. I would like to stress again that I am not expert. I do not work in the IT field in any capacity. I have no formal training whatsoever and I frequently get my information from YouTube, Reddit, and books. I like the idea of self hosting services and being more self sufficient with online services. The less data that I provide to big tech companies, the better. I plan to start migrating most of my services in house, wherever possible.

So that is a really breif description of why I made this site. I hope that if you have somehow stumbled in here, that you have enjoyed something you have found. Keep on learning because it keeps life interesting.